Thank you for taking the time to stop by. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to continue to press towards your destiny, and that you will be as blessed by reading this blog, as I am blessed by your visit. Don't forget to become a member and post your comments. They are 'food' to all those who read them....especially me. Stay Blessed!

Denise Searles ( Lady Dee)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Poured Out.....The answer is in YOU!!

II Kings 4:1-7

>NOW THE wife of a son of the prophets cried to Elisha, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. But the creditor has come to take my two sons to be his slaves.2 Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you [of sale value] in the house? She said, Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.3 Then he said, Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels--and not a few.4 And when you come in, shut the door upon you and your sons. Then pour out [the oil you have] into all those vessels, setting aside each one when it is full.5 So she went from him and shut the door upon herself and her sons, who brought to her the vessels as she poured the oil.6 When the vessels were all full, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, There is not a one left. Then the oil stopped multiplying. 7 Then she came nd told the man of God. He said, Go sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons live on the rest.

What you need is in your house...its not from without- another conference, another prophecy, another confirmation, another laying on of hands- it's in you.

Notice that the ingredient (oil-annoiting-Holy Spirit) that allowed the widow and her sons to escape from certain enslavement by the creditors, was in her possession already.

The man of God just asked the right question...unfortunately she like us, so often fail to recognize our worth. Whether it is our appearance, our character, or the gifts we possess, we so readily say; "Oh, this old thing", "Oh I'm not really that good", or "It's not my best".

Then, once she stopped discounting the value of what she possessed (your handmaid has nothing in the house except..) she then followed the voice of God, and was obedient to the instructions given via the prophet.

Did she need to borrow vessels? Yes! However the vessels in and of themselves were useless- sitting around un-used and barren, collecting dust, in storage, until she found use for them (SN: The Master has USe for YOU!).

So often to our detriment, we fail to be cognizant of the "treasure" that lies within each of us. But, if we can tune our ears to hear the voice of God..whether he speaks through his word..his prophet (one who says what God says..not what itching ears desire to hear..and not neccesarily a 'title') or however he communes with us individually, and if we follow in obedience where He leads, we can't help but triumph in all situations.

Find your treasure...pour it out...and you will live in trimumph!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Sunrise: Feb 4, 1925
Sunset: May 27, 2011

I SEE YOU-6/4/2011 Denise Hamilton-Searles (copyright applied for)

I See You….
Walking swiftly, weight upon your head, sweat upon your brow, smile upon your face….

Cutting bush with cutlass in hand motions deft and swift…
Mixing, pouring, setting cement.....working on our home…
Planting, reaping, grinding corn….
Beating conch, cleaning fish, grating sweet potatoes -bread for us to make.

Down Old Lorimers Road, with buckets of mangoes sweet laden down, you pass my window by
I see you….Money in my hand for I leave for church…you would follow later

I Hear You….
Footsteps entering as in you came…..I dare not look around
You‘re singing Savior Pass Me Not…Oh How I miss that sound….
I hear you say; “Is this my baby?”, when I phone – and I say, “Yes it’s Dee”…

I Feel You…
Work worn hands…rough and large
Meeting out punishment and pain, but love the same….
I Feel You……The safety that your presence brings…the peace---the calm security-

I See You! ……..not as of late ……..But-
Tall! Proud! Strong! Brave! Free.….

See me …..
See me tall, proud, strong, brave….free
Proud to bear your name….see me Dad....it’s Dee…
Forever Donald’s Gal!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Chase....

Eccl 2:11 "And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind."

So this is May. It has been quite a year so far. In February, I turned fourty. No..I was not in complete dread, in fact I was somewhat looking forward to it. I was not however, looking forward to some of the changes that this year has brought.

On February 21st, three days before my birthday, my aunt Ivy Stubbs went home to be with the Lord. The last time I spoke with her, I told her I would be coming to see her in Florida when she went to spend time with her daughter. I had hoped that she would hang on until Spring Break-she couldn't. She passed from death to life in Homestead, Florida.

Her funeral was held on March 5th, 2011. But, before our family could even begin to grapple with that loss, my sister called on March 3rd to say that her granddaughter, Kelsey Sands; seven years old, had passed away from complications of kidney surgery. In January, Kelsey underwent an operation to remove a tumor from her kidney. This type of surgery is not unusual, and she was expected to make a full recovery. She didn't - at least not on this side of heaven. Kelsey was seven years old at the time of her death. My aunt was 71. They were both February babies like me, and both loved the color pink-no its not my favorite.

Last night I learned that a sister that I loved and admired, Jackie Heyward ended her fight with cancer, and went home to be with the Lord. She was fourty-five years young. She leaves behind a legacy of love for her husband, and her three children around whom she centered her life.

As I face the reality of aged parents, a father who is battling dementia, and last month did not recognize my brother, who sees him almost everyday, I wrestle with the fragility of life, my purpose, my faith, and my hope in what I cannot see.

As a child, and teenager, I felt the world was my oyster. I could do anything, be anyone, go anywhere. This is not untrue, however we make choices that steer us in different paths as we grow and learn. I wanted to have a fabulous career, make lots of money, and gain prestige. So, I wanted to be a doctor. Wouldn't everyone be proud of me? But I wasn't doctor material-at least not a medical doctor. But after seeing my mother sick as a teen, and feeling helpless, and scared, I felt surely if I were a doctor I wouldn't feel helpless and scared-I'd know just what to do.

Then I went to nursing school. After excelling in the top five of my class, making it all the way to clinical rotations, and the last 2 months of training - my daughter got sick. She had to be admitted to the hospital. I missed clinicals for three days. I was told I would have to start at the beginning again. Needless to say I never did become a nurse.

I went back to college part-time, and continued with full-time motherhood. I became a teacher . When I became a teacher, I realized that I had always been a teacher. I've taught Sunday School since I was a teenager. I've taught my children how to read-actually my mother with a 'fourth grade' education taught my oldest child how to read, just as she taught me.

Now, in this year 2011, as I approach what has been almost eight years in public education, I again search for purpose in doing and being. I may not be the best teacher - but I am a teacher, whether in a school system or not - I teach. Without even opening my mouth - I teach.

I remember as a child, I didn't want to be my mother. I wanted a 'life.' I wanted more than cooking meals, and making beds, and nursing wounds. I wanted to be appreciated and important. I also didn't want to be my sister. First of all, to hear my Dad tell it; she was perfect. I think in my mind, I wanted to be a doctor so he could brag on me-so I'd be the good daughter. And 'in my mind' I really did try to be 'good.' I didn't want to be my sister because she was nice. She was also pretty - I wasn't. But I was smart-or so I thought- so I wanted to capitalize on that.

As Job said, the thing I most feared has come upon me...I am my mother! I am my sister! And I am proud of it! I do not know of two more stronger, nobler, kinder, caring, tenacious women than them. Because the world has mistaken kindness for weakness, and not valued the worth of women and mothers we are a nation in dire straits. I am domesticated. I am totally engrossed in my kids lives. My love for them is like my mother's and sister's love for me-deep and never ending. It is a love that anticipates needs, and wants. A love that knows you intimately, faults and all, and loves you anyway-an agape love.

Jackie lived life well. She loved her family and friends, and her God. She was always ready to lend a helping hand and I valued her advice as a mother raising teenagers like me. I would look to her for guidance. Her love for her children was a deep palpable one- the love I hope my children feel from me.

My aunt lived her life well. She worked in the tourism industry for many years, but her passion was sewing and traveling. She traveled to Rochester, New York for my impromptu wedding. She made me pregnancy clothes simply becuse I needed them- I never asked. As a teenager I practically lived at her house-it was an escape when my sister and I disagreed. She never took sides, just waited for us to work it out.

Kelsey in the few years she graced this world with her presence, brought immense joy and happiness to her parents and all those who knew her.

My sister is living life well. In 2003, I discovered just how strong she is. Her strength continues to amaze me. She is my mother, my sister, and my friend. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that she has my back. When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like her.

My mom at eighty-three years young, is still living her life well. I don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's making television appearances at home, attending dinners and brunches, not to mention regular church activities, all while helping to care for my father. What I know about motherhood, I learned from her. If I am a good mother-and I am-it's all because she modeled it for me.

The world may never know these women. Their stories may seem unremarkable to many. Yet, I believe that they get it! They got the meaning of life. They live/d their 'purpose' on purpose everyday. They used their God-given gifts and abilities unselfishly.

I'm giving up the chase. The chase of material goods, fame, notoriety, and prestige. I'm done. I'm only doing the things that bring me JOY! Not happiness- but JOY! I'm using the gifts HE gave me. I'm going to be the best mother I can be! I may not be in anyone's classroom in August- but I'm going to continue to be the best teacher I can be. I'm going to be the best wife, and friend I can be! And since I hear Him say, "Write, Daughter, Write", I'm going to be the best writer I can be.

When I lay me down to sleep, I want to know that I have become who I was created to be; and won't my Daddy be so proud of me!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hold On To What You Hear!!!

Wednesday Night Bible Study (1/19/11)

Part I: He that hath an Ear let him Hear

Matthew 13: 1-23
The parable of the sower. All the seed that was sown was good seed. The problem was not the seed, but the ground. Some ground was stony, some ground was overtaken by weeds (thorns), and then there was good ground. Ground that was fertile, and prepared to recieve the seed that was sown.

Question: How do you hear?

Yes, the sound waves enter through your ear, but it is not until your brain interprets the sound..that you hear what you hear. In the natural the Brain is the control center. As the brain is the control center- through which all our senses interpret and respond to the world around us, the "Holy Spirit" is the control center for the spirit man.

Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;...

Part II: Hold Fast!

Revelation 2:25
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Revelation 3:1-6
Acts 27:27-44

In Revelation, the Spirit was speaking to the church/es. The church at Sardis was admonished to be watchful (ears and eyes- on alert)strenghten the things that remain, that are ready to die.

Sometimes we are so caught up in the things that have been taken, that we've lost, missed out on, or the things we've wanted, but haven't gotten, that we fail to see the value in what we have left.

We look at what we have in our hand and say it's not good enough, so we refuse to use it. We look at the seed (money, gifts, etc) that we have left, but because it's little in our eyes, we refuse to plant it. If we were to plant what we have left, even though it seems small, the harvest from that one seed -planted in good soil-would blow our minds!

In Acts, the apostle Paul is on a vessel that is experiecing a storm. While those with him are fearful, Paul- whose ears have been tuned to hear from God-tells the others that no flesh would be lost if they stay (abide) in the ship. The storm became so furious that it tore the ship apart, yet no life was lost because they made it to shore on broken peices. Just like the remnants, the broken pieces of the ship were still sufficient to help them obtain their goal.

Here's the chant:

Leader: He that has an ear
People: Let him hear
Leader: What is he saying?
People: Hold Fast!

Hold fast to whatever you have left. Even if you're hanging by a thread. If it's a little faith-Hold Fast! A little joy - Hold Fast! One WoRd from God - Hold Fast!

This is the word of the Lord to NVT--Hold Fast!

SN: Those in attendance were given a peice of 'the ship' to hold onto. If you weren't there and want one let me know.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moving Forward.....(pt 2)

The greatest tragedy this year would be for you to stand at the edge of your destiny, but to be afraid to enter into all that God has planned for you. Your obedience in moving forward -- to take risks and step out in faith – will release God’s power in your life.

What are you afraid of in 2011? Whatever it is, it doesn't stand a chance when you do whatever God tells you to do. There is no reason to be afraid. The Lord is on our side.

Rick Warren/via Doc and Faye Dougherty

P.S. I received this as part of my daily prayers. I hope it speaks to you as it did to me...blessings.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Moving Forward.....

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 3:13-14

I've tried it my way...and failed. I've pressed towards things and trappings of success. I've gone the route of education. I've pursued the "American Dream" and found it to be a reoccurring nightmare. I've done what was expected of me...other's expectations...my expectations...and come up short.

Now in 2011...I've been given another chance to do it God's way. To press towards his mark, his high calling (purpose) for my life, to take the road less travelled- the one that seeks him first-to pursue his dream for me, to do what he expects of me. For then and only then, will my soul find the rest it seeks.

As I told you in 2010, I still plan on dying empty. That fact that I'm still here, and so are you, is confirmation that he's not finished with us yet.

Here's to a new day...a new year...2011...expect the great and keep moving forward.