Thank you for taking the time to stop by. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to continue to press towards your destiny, and that you will be as blessed by reading this blog, as I am blessed by your visit. Don't forget to become a member and post your comments. They are 'food' to all those who read them....especially me. Stay Blessed!

Denise Searles ( Lady Dee)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hold On To What You Hear!!!

Wednesday Night Bible Study (1/19/11)

Part I: He that hath an Ear let him Hear

Matthew 13: 1-23
The parable of the sower. All the seed that was sown was good seed. The problem was not the seed, but the ground. Some ground was stony, some ground was overtaken by weeds (thorns), and then there was good ground. Ground that was fertile, and prepared to recieve the seed that was sown.

Question: How do you hear?

Yes, the sound waves enter through your ear, but it is not until your brain interprets the sound..that you hear what you hear. In the natural the Brain is the control center. As the brain is the control center- through which all our senses interpret and respond to the world around us, the "Holy Spirit" is the control center for the spirit man.

Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;...

Part II: Hold Fast!

Revelation 2:25
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Revelation 3:1-6
Acts 27:27-44

In Revelation, the Spirit was speaking to the church/es. The church at Sardis was admonished to be watchful (ears and eyes- on alert)strenghten the things that remain, that are ready to die.

Sometimes we are so caught up in the things that have been taken, that we've lost, missed out on, or the things we've wanted, but haven't gotten, that we fail to see the value in what we have left.

We look at what we have in our hand and say it's not good enough, so we refuse to use it. We look at the seed (money, gifts, etc) that we have left, but because it's little in our eyes, we refuse to plant it. If we were to plant what we have left, even though it seems small, the harvest from that one seed -planted in good soil-would blow our minds!

In Acts, the apostle Paul is on a vessel that is experiecing a storm. While those with him are fearful, Paul- whose ears have been tuned to hear from God-tells the others that no flesh would be lost if they stay (abide) in the ship. The storm became so furious that it tore the ship apart, yet no life was lost because they made it to shore on broken peices. Just like the remnants, the broken pieces of the ship were still sufficient to help them obtain their goal.

Here's the chant:

Leader: He that has an ear
People: Let him hear
Leader: What is he saying?
People: Hold Fast!

Hold fast to whatever you have left. Even if you're hanging by a thread. If it's a little faith-Hold Fast! A little joy - Hold Fast! One WoRd from God - Hold Fast!

This is the word of the Lord to NVT--Hold Fast!

SN: Those in attendance were given a peice of 'the ship' to hold onto. If you weren't there and want one let me know.


Lady Dee said...

Holding Fast!!!

Daliah said...