II Kings 4:1-7
>NOW THE wife of a son of the prophets cried to Elisha, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. But the creditor has come to take my two sons to be his slaves.2 Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you [of sale value] in the house? She said, Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.3 Then he said, Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels--and not a few.4 And when you come in, shut the door upon you and your sons. Then pour out [the oil you have] into all those vessels, setting aside each one when it is full.5 So she went from him and shut the door upon herself and her sons, who brought to her the vessels as she poured the oil.6 When the vessels were all full, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, There is not a one left. Then the oil stopped multiplying. 7 Then she came nd told the man of God. He said, Go sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons live on the rest.
What you need is in your house...its not from without- another conference, another prophecy, another confirmation, another laying on of hands- it's in you.
Notice that the ingredient (oil-annoiting-Holy Spirit) that allowed the widow and her sons to escape from certain enslavement by the creditors, was in her possession already.
The man of God just asked the right question...unfortunately she like us, so often fail to recognize our worth. Whether it is our appearance, our character, or the gifts we possess, we so readily say; "Oh, this old thing", "Oh I'm not really that good", or "It's not my best".
Then, once she stopped discounting the value of what she possessed (your handmaid has nothing in the house except..) she then followed the voice of God, and was obedient to the instructions given via the prophet.
Did she need to borrow vessels? Yes! However the vessels in and of themselves were useless- sitting around un-used and barren, collecting dust, in storage, until she found use for them (SN: The Master has USe for YOU!).
So often to our detriment, we fail to be cognizant of the "treasure" that lies within each of us. But, if we can tune our ears to hear the voice of God..whether he speaks through his word..his prophet (one who says what God says..not what itching ears desire to hear..and not neccesarily a 'title') or however he communes with us individually, and if we follow in obedience where He leads, we can't help but triumph in all situations.
Find your treasure...pour it out...and you will live in trimumph!